Auto detecting your dev setup to initialize the default profile (C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\profiles\default) Found Visual Studio 16 Default settings os=Windows os_build=Windows arch=x86_64 arch_build=x86_64 compiler=Visual Studio compiler.version=16 build_type=Release *** You can change them in C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\profiles\default *** *** Or override with -s compiler='other' -s ...s*** [HOOK -] pre_export(): [DEPRECATED GLOBAL CPPSTD (KB-H001)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [REFERENCE LOWERCASE (KB-H002)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [RECIPE METADATA (KB-H003)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [HEADER_ONLY, NO COPY SOURCE (KB-H005)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [FPIC OPTION (KB-H006)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [VERSION RANGES (KB-H008)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [RECIPE FOLDER SIZE (KB-H009)] Total recipe size: 11.4921875 KB [HOOK -] pre_export(): [RECIPE FOLDER SIZE (KB-H009)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [EXPORT LICENSE (KB-H023)] exports: None [HOOK -] pre_export(): [EXPORT LICENSE (KB-H023)] exports: CMakeLists.txt [HOOK -] pre_export(): [EXPORT LICENSE (KB-H023)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [TEST PACKAGE FOLDER (KB-H024)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [META LINES (KB-H025)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [CONAN CENTER INDEX URL (KB-H027)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [CMAKE MINIMUM VERSION (KB-H028)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [TEST PACKAGE - RUN ENVIRONMENT (KB-H029)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (KB-H032)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [CONANDATA.YML FORMAT (KB-H030)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [TEST PACKAGE - NO IMPORTS() (KB-H034)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [NO AUTHOR (KB-H037)] OK [HOOK -] pre_export(): [NO TARGET NAME (KB-H040)] OK Exporting package recipe nlopt/2.6.1 exports: File 'conandata.yml' found. Exporting it... nlopt/2.6.1 exports: Copied 1 '.yml' file: conandata.yml nlopt/2.6.1 exports_sources: Copied 1 '.txt' file: CMakeLists.txt [HOOK -] post_export(): [CONANDATA.YML REDUCE (KB-H031)] Saving conandata.yml: {'sources': {'2.6.1': {'url': '', 'sha256': '66d63a505187fb6f98642703bd0ef006fedcae2f9a6d1efa4f362ea919a02650'}}} [HOOK -] post_export(): [CONANDATA.YML REDUCE (KB-H031)] New conandata.yml contents: sources: 2.6.1: sha256: 66d63a505187fb6f98642703bd0ef006fedcae2f9a6d1efa4f362ea919a02650 url: [HOOK -] post_export(): [CONANDATA.YML REDUCE (KB-H031)] OK nlopt/2.6.1: A new version was exported nlopt/2.6.1: Folder: C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\export nlopt/2.6.1: Using the exported files summary hash as the recipe revision: 2b27a7db5c06e5b684f7077eafdfd502 nlopt/2.6.1: Exported revision: 2b27a7db5c06e5b684f7077eafdfd502 Configuration: [settings] arch=x86_64 arch_build=x86_64 build_type=Release compiler=Visual Studio compiler.runtime=MT compiler.version=14 os=Windows os_build=Windows [options] nlopt:shared=False [build_requires] [env] nlopt/2.6.1: Forced build from source nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Installing package Requirements nlopt/2.6.1 from local cache - Cache Packages nlopt/2.6.1:b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038 - Build [HOOK -] pre_source(): [IMMUTABLE SOURCES (KB-H010)] OK nlopt/2.6.1: Configuring sources in C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\source [HOOK -] post_source(): [LIBCXX MANAGEMENT (KB-H011)] OK [HOOK -] post_source(): [CPPSTD MANAGEMENT (KB-H022)] OK nlopt/2.6.1: Copying sources to build folder nlopt/2.6.1: Building your package in C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038 nlopt/2.6.1: Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake [HOOK -] pre_build(): [FPIC MANAGEMENT (KB-H007)] 'fPIC' option not found [HOOK -] pre_build(): [FPIC MANAGEMENT (KB-H007)] OK nlopt/2.6.1: Calling build() -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.14393.0 to target Windows 10.0.17763. -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.24215.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.24215.1 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Conan: called by CMake conan helper -- Conan: called inside local cache -- Conan: Adjusting output directories -- Conan: Using cmake global configuration -- Conan: Adjusting default RPATHs Conan policies -- Conan: Adjusting language standard -- NLopt version 2.6.1 -- Looking for dlfcn.h -- Looking for dlfcn.h - not found -- Looking for getopt.h -- Looking for getopt.h - not found -- Looking for unistd.h -- Looking for unistd.h - not found -- Looking for string.h -- Looking for string.h - found -- Looking for strings.h -- Looking for strings.h - not found -- Looking for inttypes.h -- Looking for inttypes.h - found -- Looking for memory.h -- Looking for memory.h - found -- Looking for stdlib.h -- Looking for stdlib.h - found -- Looking for stdint.h -- Looking for stdint.h - found -- Looking for time.h -- Looking for time.h - found -- Looking for sys/types.h -- Looking for sys/types.h - found -- Looking for sys/stat.h -- Looking for sys/stat.h - found -- Looking for sys/time.h -- Looking for sys/time.h - not found -- Looking for getpid -- Looking for getpid - found -- Looking for syscall -- Looking for syscall - not found -- Looking for isinf -- Looking for isinf - not found -- Looking for isnan -- Looking for isnan - not found -- Looking for gettimeofday -- Looking for gettimeofday - not found -- Looking for qsort_r -- Looking for qsort_r - not found -- Looking for time -- Looking for time - found -- Looking for copysign -- Looking for copysign - found -- Looking for stddef.h -- Looking for stddef.h - found -- Check size of uint32_t -- Check size of uint32_t - done -- Check size of unsigned int -- Check size of unsigned int - done -- Check size of unsigned long -- Check size of unsigned long - done -- Looking for sqrt in m -- Looking for sqrt in m - not found -- Looking for fpclassify -- Looking for fpclassify - FALSE -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE -- Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE - Success -- Looking for __cplusplus -- Looking for __cplusplus - found -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_STDCXX11 -- Performing Test SUPPORTS_STDCXX11 - Success -- Performing Test HAS_FPIC -- Performing Test HAS_FPIC - Failed -- Configuring done -- Generating done CMake Warning: Manually-specified variables were not used by the project: CMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY -- Build files have been written to: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/build_subfolder Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.25420.1 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Checking Build System CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/build_subfolder/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/build_subfolder/source_subfolder/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/build_subfolder/source_subfolder/src/api/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. Building Custom Rule C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/source_subfolder/CMakeLists.txt CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/build_subfolder/source_subfolder/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. DIRect.c direct_wrap.c DIRserial.c DIRsubrout.c cdirect.c hybrid.c praxis.c plis.c plip.c pnet.c mssubs.c pssubs.c crs.c C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\crs\crs.c(55): warning C4244: 'return': conversion from '__int64' to 'int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\crs\crs.c(70): warning C4244: '=': conversion from '__int64' to 'int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] mlsl.c mma.c ccsa_quadratic.c cobyla.c newuoa.c nldrmd.c C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\neldermead\nldrmd.c(42): warning C4244: 'return': conversion from '__int64' to 'int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] sbplx.c Generating Code... Compiling... auglag.c bobyqa.c isres.c slsqp.c esch.c general.c options.c optimize.c deprecated.c f77api.c mt19937ar.c sobolseq.c C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\util\sobolseq.c(96): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] timer.c C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\util\timer.c(54): warning C4244: 'return': conversion from 'time_t' to 'double', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\util\timer.c(85): warning C4244: 'return': conversion from 'time_t' to 'unsigned long', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] stop.c redblack.c qsort_r.c rescale.c Generating Code... C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\stogo\ warning C4267: 'return': conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\stogo\ warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\ags\ warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\ags\ warning C4267: '=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\source_subfolder\src\algs\ags\ warning C4800: 'int': forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) [C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\source_subfolder\nlopt.vcxproj] Generating Code... nlopt.vcxproj -> C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\lib\nlopt.lib Building Custom Rule C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/CMakeLists.txt CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/build/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/build_subfolder/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. nlopt/2.6.1: Package 'b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038' built nlopt/2.6.1: Build folder C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038 nlopt/2.6.1: Generated conaninfo.txt nlopt/2.6.1: Generated conanbuildinfo.txt nlopt/2.6.1: Generating the package nlopt/2.6.1: Package folder C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\package\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038 nlopt/2.6.1: Calling package() Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.25420.1 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. nlopt.vcxproj -> C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\.conan\data\nlopt\2.6.1\_\_\build\b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038\build_subfolder\lib\nlopt.lib -- Install configuration: "Release" -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/include/nlopt.h -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/include/nlopt.hpp -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/include/nlopt.f -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/lib/nlopt.lib -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/lib/cmake/nlopt/NLoptLibraryDepends.cmake -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/lib/cmake/nlopt/NLoptLibraryDepends-release.cmake -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/lib/cmake/nlopt/NLoptConfig.cmake -- Installing: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/.conan/data/nlopt/2.6.1/_/_/package/b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038/lib/cmake/nlopt/NLoptConfigVersion.cmake [HOOK -] post_package(): [PACKAGE LICENSE (KB-H012)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [DEFAULT PACKAGE LAYOUT (KB-H013)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [MATCHING CONFIGURATION (KB-H014)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [SHARED ARTIFACTS (KB-H015)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [PC-FILES (KB-H020)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [CMAKE-MODULES-CONFIG-FILES (KB-H016)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [PDB FILES NOT ALLOWED (KB-H017)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [LIBTOOL FILES PRESENCE (KB-H018)] OK [HOOK -] post_package(): [MS RUNTIME FILES (KB-H021)] OK nlopt/2.6.1 package(): Packaged 1 '.f' file: nlopt.f nlopt/2.6.1 package(): Packaged 1 '.h' file: nlopt.h nlopt/2.6.1 package(): Packaged 1 '.hpp' file: nlopt.hpp nlopt/2.6.1 package(): Packaged 1 '.lib' file: nlopt.lib nlopt/2.6.1 package(): Packaged 9 files nlopt/2.6.1: Package 'b848ca590c783aa31196a8b2bd5b85ac351ff038' created nlopt/2.6.1: Created package revision b9d5c7e0039b5d60d64e11bb31b43f5c [HOOK -] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Generator cmake created conanbuildinfo.cmake nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Generator txt created conanbuildinfo.txt nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Generated conaninfo.txt nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Generated graphinfo Using lockfile: 'C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107\test_package\build\2febca10d8086e6ec86ea32d4dd81fe6bd563000/conan.lock' Using cached profile from lockfile [HOOK -] pre_build(): [FPIC MANAGEMENT (KB-H007)] 'fPIC' option not found [HOOK -] pre_build(): [FPIC MANAGEMENT (KB-H007)] OK nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Running build() -- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.14393.0 to target Windows 10.0.17763. -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.24215.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.24215.1 -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Conan: called by CMake conan helper -- Conan: Adjusting output directories -- Conan: Using cmake global configuration -- Conan: Adjusting default RPATHs Conan policies -- Conan: Adjusting language standard -- Configuring done -- Generating done CMake Warning: Manually-specified variables were not used by the project: CMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY -- Build files have been written to: C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/test_package/build/2febca10d8086e6ec86ea32d4dd81fe6bd563000 Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.25420.1 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Checking Build System CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/test_package/build/2febca10d8086e6ec86ea32d4dd81fe6bd563000/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. Building Custom Rule C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/test_package/CMakeLists.txt CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/test_package/build/2febca10d8086e6ec86ea32d4dd81fe6bd563000/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. test_package.c test_package.vcxproj -> C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\test_package\build\2febca10d8086e6ec86ea32d4dd81fe6bd563000\bin\test_package.exe Building Custom Rule C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/test_package/CMakeLists.txt CMake does not need to re-run because C:/J/c3ipr/pr_948_2_0_107/test_package/build/2febca10d8086e6ec86ea32d4dd81fe6bd563000/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. nlopt/2.6.1 (test package): Running test() f_1 (2.52, 2, 37.5, 9.25, 6.8) = -2.35127e+06 f_2 (4.41, 2, 37.5, 9.25, 6.8) = -4.13298e+06 f_3 (4.41, 2.3, 37.5, 9.25, 6.8) = -4.3321e+06 f_4 (4.41, 2.3, 47.5, 9.25, 6.8) = -4.32519e+06 f_5 (4.41, 2.3, 37.5, 9.2875, 6.8) = -4.4109e+06 f_6 (4.41, 2.3, 37.5, 9.2875, 6.925) = -4.81303e+06 f_7 (4.52228, 2.4, 43.9362, 9.3, 7) = -5.27405e+06 f_8 (4.48608, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.22034e+06 f_9 (4.54672, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.29124e+06 f_10 (4.68579, 2.39995, 59.9721, 9.29993, 6.99901) = -5.45028e+06 f_11 (4.67993, 2.34462, 59.9721, 9.29994, 6.98871) = -5.3693e+06 f_12 (4.72431, 2.39722, 59.9708, 9.28866, 6.96981) = -5.36735e+06 f_13 (4.73914, 2.38584, 59.9711, 9.29181, 6.96695) = -5.37336e+06 f_14 (4.73512, 2.36729, 59.9706, 9.29622, 6.99096) = -5.44847e+06 f_15 (4.72021, 2.3762, 59.97, 9.29942, 6.96552) = -5.35716e+06 f_16 (4.84952, 2.39775, 59.8973, 9.29998, 6.99767) = -5.63538e+06 f_17 (5.30303, 2.36702, 59.7531, 9.29843, 6.99661) = -6.13223e+06 f_18 (5.38081, 2.27496, 59.7058, 9.29448, 6.97214) = -6.04185e+06 f_19 (5.35637, 2.39832, 59.6951, 9.29217, 6.97613) = -6.12344e+06 f_20 (5.43569, 2.36796, 59.7327, 9.29103, 6.96001) = -6.12274e+06 f_21 (5.41594, 2.32617, 59.7357, 9.29649, 6.98824) = -6.19195e+06 f_22 (4.51754, 2.4, 53.9362, 9.3, 7) = -5.26141e+06 f_23 (4.53693, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.2798e+06 f_24 (4.56097, 2.38073, 59.9969, 9.29629, 6.99207) = -5.26024e+06 f_25 (4.51129, 2.38684, 59.9978, 9.2906, 6.96511) = -5.10584e+06 f_26 (4.60319, 2.37169, 59.9969, 9.29039, 6.98088) = -5.25234e+06 f_27 (4.4559, 2.3853, 59.9943, 9.29028, 6.9542) = -5.00568e+06 f_28 (4.60026, 2.38605, 59.9994, 9.28659, 6.99091) = -5.28428e+06 f_29 (4.78185, 2.35628, 59.9498, 9.29997, 6.98972) = -5.49879e+06 f_30 (4.44572, 2.10035, 60, 9.3, 7) = -4.97265e+06 f_31 (4.58439, 2.37431, 59.9998, 9.3, 6.99783) = -5.31029e+06 f_32 (4.68388, 2.39814, 59.9873, 9.29977, 6.99714) = -5.44e+06 f_33 (4.53889, 2.39992, 59.594, 9.3, 6.99994) = -5.28212e+06 f_34 (4.53821, 2.39993, 59.7738, 9.3, 6.99995) = -5.28122e+06 f_35 (4.53822, 2.39981, 58.7704, 9.3, 6.99997) = -5.28195e+06 f_36 (4.56555, 2.39995, 59.9997, 9.29977, 6.99334) = -5.29054e+06 f_37 (4.54213, 2.39952, 59.9999, 9.29799, 6.99961) = -5.27989e+06 f_38 (4.53707, 2.39999, 59.9189, 9.3, 6.99999) = -5.27999e+06 f_39 (4.53766, 2.39625, 59.9183, 9.3, 6.99997) = -5.27804e+06 f_40 (4.56084, 2.39993, 59.9195, 9.29999, 6.99998) = -5.30766e+06 f_41 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_42 (4.53747, 2.39998, 59.9999, 9.3, 6.99929) = -5.27807e+06 f_43 (4.53768, 2.4, 60, 9.29973, 7) = -5.28007e+06 f_44 (4.53744, 2.39996, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28036e+06 f_45 (4.54071, 2.39998, 59.9997, 9.3, 7) = -5.2842e+06 f_46 (4.53753, 2.39968, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28027e+06 f_47 (4.53744, 2.4, 59.9933, 9.3, 7) = -5.28039e+06 f_48 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.29998, 7) = -5.28034e+06 f_49 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 6.99999) = -5.28035e+06 f_50 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 6.99993) = -5.28016e+06 f_51 (4.53774, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28073e+06 f_52 (4.53744, 2.39994, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28035e+06 f_53 (4.53743, 2.4, 59.9998, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_54 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28037e+06 f_55 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 6.99999) = -5.28034e+06 f_56 (4.53743, 2.4, 59.9994, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_57 (4.53743, 2.4, 59.9999, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_58 (4.53743, 2.4, 59.9999, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_59 (4.53743, 2.4, 59.999, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_60 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_61 (4.53746, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28041e+06 f_62 (4.53745, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28039e+06 f_63 (4.53743, 2.39999, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_64 (4.53747, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28042e+06 f_65 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_66 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_67 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28037e+06 f_68 (4.53743, 2.4, 59.9999, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_69 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_70 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_71 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_72 (4.53744, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_73 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_74 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_75 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_76 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_77 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_78 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_79 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_80 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_81 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_82 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_83 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_84 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_85 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_86 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_87 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_88 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_89 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_90 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_91 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_92 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_93 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_94 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_95 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_96 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_97 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_98 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_99 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_100 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_101 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_102 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_103 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_104 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_105 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_106 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_107 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_108 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_109 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_110 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_111 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_112 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_113 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_114 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_115 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_116 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_117 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_118 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_119 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_120 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_121 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_122 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_123 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_124 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_125 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_126 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_127 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_128 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_129 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_130 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_131 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_132 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_133 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_134 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_135 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_136 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_137 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_138 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_139 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_140 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_141 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_142 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_143 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_144 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_145 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_146 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_147 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_148 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_149 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_150 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_151 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_152 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_153 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_154 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_155 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_156 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_157 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_158 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_159 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_160 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_161 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_162 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_163 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_164 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_165 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_166 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_167 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_168 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_169 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_170 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_171 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_172 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_173 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_174 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_175 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_176 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_177 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_178 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_179 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_180 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_181 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_182 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_183 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_184 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_185 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_186 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_187 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_188 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_189 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_190 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_191 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_192 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_193 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 f_194 (4.53743, 2.4, 60, 9.3, 7) = -5.28038e+06 found f(4.53743,2.4,60,9.3,7) = -5280377.32990154 after 194 iters JSON file created at 'C:\J\c3ipr\pr_948_2_0_107\_create.json'