[HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [DEPRECATED GLOBAL CPPSTD (KB-H001)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [REFERENCE LOWERCASE (KB-H002)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [RECIPE METADATA (KB-H003)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [HEADER_ONLY, NO COPY SOURCE (KB-H005)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [FPIC OPTION (KB-H006)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [VERSION RANGES (KB-H008)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [RECIPE FOLDER SIZE (KB-H009)] Total recipe size: 41.9228515625 KB [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [RECIPE FOLDER SIZE (KB-H009)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [EXPORT LICENSE (KB-H023)] exports: None [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [EXPORT LICENSE (KB-H023)] exports: ('CMakeLists.txt', 'patches/*.patch') [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [EXPORT LICENSE (KB-H023)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [TEST PACKAGE FOLDER (KB-H024)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [META LINES (KB-H025)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CONAN CENTER INDEX URL (KB-H027)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CMAKE MINIMUM VERSION (KB-H028)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [TEST PACKAGE - RUN ENVIRONMENT (KB-H029)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (KB-H032)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CONANDATA.YML FORMAT (KB-H030)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [TEST PACKAGE - NO IMPORTS() (KB-H034)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [NO AUTHOR (KB-H037)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [NO TARGET NAME (KB-H040)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [NO FINAL ENDLINE (KB-H041)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [NO REQUIRES.ADD() (KB-H044)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [DELETE OPTIONS (KB-H045)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [NO ASCII CHARACTERS (KB-H047)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CMAKE VERBOSE MAKEFILE (KB-H046)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CMAKE VERSION REQUIRED (KB-H048)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CMAKE WINDOWS EXPORT ALL SYMBOLS (KB-H049)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [DEFAULT OPTIONS AS DICTIONARY (KB-H051)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [CONFIG.YML HAS NEW VERSION (KB-H052)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] pre_export(): [PRIVATE IMPORTS (KB-H053)] OK Exporting package recipe openscenegraph/3.6.5 exports: File 'conandata.yml' found. Exporting it... openscenegraph/3.6.5 exports: Copied 1 '.yml' file: conandata.yml openscenegraph/3.6.5 exports_sources: Copied 1 '.txt' file: CMakeLists.txt openscenegraph/3.6.5 exports_sources: Copied 5 '.patch' files [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_export(): [CONANDATA.YML REDUCE (KB-H031)] Saving conandata.yml: {'sources': {'3.6.5': {'sha256': 'aea196550f02974d6d09291c5d83b51ca6a03b3767e234a8c0e21322927d1e12', 'url': 'https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/archive/OpenSceneGraph-3.6.5.tar.gz'}}, 'patches': {'3.6.5': [{'patch_file': 'patches/0001-fix-to_cmake_path-usage.patch', 'base_path': 'source_subfolder'}, {'patch_file': 'patches/0002-Use-standard-CMake-name-for-gif.patch', 'base_path': 'source_subfolder'}, {'patch_file': 'patches/0003-Correct-usage-of-_LIBRARY-to-_LIBRARIES.patch', 'base_path': 'source_subfolder'}, {'patch_file': 'patches/0004-Allow-explicit-control-of-plugins.patch', 'base_path': 'source_subfolder'}, {'patch_file': 'patches/0005-use-JPEG-target-for-plugin.patch', 'base_path': 'source_subfolder'}]}} [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_export(): [CONANDATA.YML REDUCE (KB-H031)] New conandata.yml contents: patches: 3.6.5: - base_path: source_subfolder patch_file: patches/0001-fix-to_cmake_path-usage.patch - base_path: source_subfolder patch_file: patches/0002-Use-standard-CMake-name-for-gif.patch - base_path: source_subfolder patch_file: patches/0003-Correct-usage-of-_LIBRARY-to-_LIBRARIES.patch - base_path: source_subfolder patch_file: patches/0004-Allow-explicit-control-of-plugins.patch - base_path: source_subfolder patch_file: patches/0005-use-JPEG-target-for-plugin.patch sources: 3.6.5: sha256: aea196550f02974d6d09291c5d83b51ca6a03b3767e234a8c0e21322927d1e12 url: https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/archive/OpenSceneGraph-3.6.5.tar.gz [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_export(): [CONANDATA.YML REDUCE (KB-H031)] OK [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_export(): [DEFAULT SHARED OPTION VALUE (KB-H050)] OK openscenegraph/3.6.5: The stored package has not changed openscenegraph/3.6.5: Using the exported files summary hash as the recipe revision: d167a4e532f2e40cba9d2a786d8040c9 openscenegraph/3.6.5: Exported revision: d167a4e532f2e40cba9d2a786d8040c9 Configuration: [settings] arch=x86_64 arch_build=x86_64 build_type=Release compiler=clang compiler.libcxx=libc++ compiler.version=9 os=Linux os_build=Linux [options] openscenegraph:shared=False [build_requires] [env] openscenegraph/3.6.5: Forced build from source openscenegraph/3.6.5 (test package): Installing package Requirements brotli/1.0.9 from 'central' - Cache bzip2/1.0.8 from 'central' - Cache expat/2.2.10 from 'central' - Cache fontconfig/2.13.91 from 'central' - Cache freetype/2.10.2 from 'central' - Cache giflib/5.2.1 from 'central' - Cache jbig/20160605 from 'central' - Cache libjpeg/9d from 'central' - Cache libpng/1.6.37 from 'central' - Cache libtiff/4.1.0 from 'central' - Cache libuuid/1.0.3 from 'central' - Cache libwebp/1.1.0 from 'central' - Cache opengl/system from 'central' - Cache openscenegraph/3.6.5 from local cache - Cache xorg/system from 'central' - Cache xz_utils/5.2.5 from 'central' - Cache zlib/1.2.11 from 'central' - Cache zstd/1.4.5 from 'central' - Cache Packages brotli/1.0.9:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache bzip2/1.0.8:d91c5078b0c5af8e17bc80e2389019770a579bcc - Cache expat/2.2.10:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache fontconfig/2.13.91:1f25be57f7980db35dd7b7d3c0b4e8f05a6bc2ac - Cache freetype/2.10.2:dffdc605b7fe52b2a8b1e75d4b74474b73cee329 - Cache giflib/5.2.1:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache jbig/20160605:454e35499ebd2fb00f2e54b0e16901b266fa5627 - Cache libjpeg/9d:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache libpng/1.6.37:9de5bc6401cdef5fe3faeb686f8f0b96f5878e0b - Cache libtiff/4.1.0:26306a4f15db762cdaa4ab86c2d15cd8ee04880a - Cache libuuid/1.0.3:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache libwebp/1.1.0:397baf88a0282b06dbebb69e534eed679c964aa1 - Cache opengl/system:5ab84d6acfe1f23c4fae0ab88f26e3a396351ac9 - Cache openscenegraph/3.6.5:35e89a1814adb7aeffcff133c9a8a930613b631c - Build xorg/system:5ab84d6acfe1f23c4fae0ab88f26e3a396351ac9 - Cache xz_utils/5.2.5:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache zlib/1.2.11:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache zstd/1.4.5:961755854760682044d37dabfc2d998658edf961 - Cache Installing (downloading, building) binaries... brotli/1.0.9: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK bzip2/1.0.8: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK expat/2.2.10: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK giflib/5.2.1: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK jbig/20160605: Already installed! jbig/20160605: Appending PATH environment variable: /home/conan/w/cci_PR-2702/.conan/data/jbig/20160605/_/_/package/454e35499ebd2fb00f2e54b0e16901b266fa5627/bin [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK libjpeg/9d: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK libuuid/1.0.3: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK libwebp/1.1.0: Already installed! [HOOK - conan-center.py] post_package_info(): [CMAKE FILE NOT IN BUILD FOLDERS (KB-H019)] OK Running: sudo -A apt-get update Ign:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-security InRelease Err:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-security Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Ign:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan InRelease Ign:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-updates InRelease Ign:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-backports InRelease Err:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Err:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-updates Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Err:8 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan-backports Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80] Reading package lists... JSON file created at '/home/conan/w/cci_PR-2702/33/4cf0050c-d118-4937-84fa-4945425b36f2/_create.json'